Some beginner’s advice

Having no aspirations of becoming a teacher, the fact that I started this blog kind of seems a good opportunity to try and help other beginners by sharing some of my adventures getting to learn all this (for me) new stuff. So let’s kick off with some beginner’s advice…

I hardly had any experience with Static Site Generators, nor with React, except from a few experiments with Gutenberg blocks for WordPress. So yes, it can be quite daunting in the beginning, but don’t let that hold you back. It is fun to learn new stuff! You can do this too and surely will learn a lot on the way.

I started off with just the Gatsby documentation, and their tutorials, which are a pretty good starting point, but I highly recommend you to also check out some of the many good tutorials/courses that are out there; I found both LevelUp Tutorials and Zack Gordon’s Javascript for WP to be very inspiring, and definitely worth the investment.

Of course there are also many free resources, like this excellent book on the basics of React, by Robin Wieruch. Google DuckDuck Go is your friend!

More soon..!